Monday, June 02, 2008

Fountain at Tower Grove Park St. Louis Mo.

Originally uploaded by reboot95
I've changed the balance of this photo using photoshop express. It did a nice job but did not copy any of the Exif information so I lost the Geo Tagging. This is the same photo as img_3015 from this set.

So what did I do to get this. I set my camera on an old cement railing set the timer so I would not jar the camera with the shutter button. Set the shutter speed to as slow as allowed by light went to where the F-Stop Flashed then back a notch and took the picture. It was washed out some so I used photoshop express to fix it.

Oh yeah the the Gorilla Pod was in the Explorer. Duh


I've been playing around with the orginal picture a bit in Photoshop Elements. I know I needed to adjust the levels to darken it a bit. Now I really don't know much about how to use Photoshop Elements but I was never really able to make it look as good as the image that Photoshop Express produced. Go Figure.

Still really disappointed that Photoshop Express killed all of the Exif information especially the Geotagging stuff. But I was able to use flickr to at least get back the location stuff but placing it on the map.

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